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the largest packaging strap manufacture was successfully listed on the New Third Board in china

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Taizhou Weide Co., LTD is the largest PP Packaging strap manufacture in China

On March 18th, 2019, Taizhou Weide Co., LTD. (stock abbreviation: WeIDE Co., Stock code: 873235) was successfully listed on the New Third Board. 

On April 18th, the bell ringing ceremony of Weide Shares listed on the New Third Board was held in the ceremony hall of the National Stock Transfer Center in Beijing.

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Mr. Pan Jian, Chairman of Weide Shares, attended and witnessed this important moment with the company's shareholders, directors and supervisors, employee representatives, intermediaries and special guests.

Mr. Pan Jian and the special guests rang the fortune bell as representatives. With the loud bell, Weide Shares were successfully listed on the New Third Board, becoming another important milestone in the company's development.

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At the ceremony, Mr. Pan Jian welcomed the guests attending the ceremony and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the people from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the development of Weide Shares.

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Mr. Lu Ruping, Deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, warmly congratulated Weide Shares on the successful listing of the New Third Board. At the same time, we hope that in the future development of Weide Shares, in accordance with market rules, follow the principle of openness and transparency, enhance the core competitiveness and credibility of the enterprise, and gradually grow into a highly competitive and influential enterprise.

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Mr. Guo Jianfeng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street, Linhai City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, warmly congratulated Weide Shares on their successful landing on the New Third Board, and hoped that Weide Shares would take this listing as an opportunity to seize development opportunities, deepen enterprise reform and development, actively connect with industrial capital, and strive to become bigger and stronger.

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Weide Shares will take the new third Board listing as a new starting point and opportunity, do not forget the original intention, continue to move forward, strengthen corporate governance, standardize the company's operation and management, consciously fulfill the obligations of the letter, and return to the society and shareholders with excellent results.

Weide PP packing strap manufacture  has more advanced international production PP strap  lines and currently has more than 120 winding machines. Weide adopts a large-scale and intensive production mode, 

with machines replacing labor, reducing production costs and effectively ensuring the stability of product quality.


Actively docking with industrial capital, and strive to become bigger and stronger.

Weide's mission: to make global packaging strap more plastic reducing!

Weide's vision: to be a shared factory for reducing plastic PP strap in the world!

To be a national brand and worldwide Weide !

The core values of Weide: "Integrity is the enterprise’s fundamental,  morality is the standard of the enterprise’s behaviour"!

Weide is the largest PP strap manufacturer in China, we have flexible ultra-thin packaging belt technology

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